Bill Small, Artist Mind

About Bill

Behavior Change Expert, Transformational Coach, Entrepreneur, Writer, Speaker, Performer

What you’re paying attention to in the background has more to do with the results you’re getting than you can imagine.

Bill offers inspired solutions for business and life by providing transformational coaching and consulting services for business and individuals. Using a a combination of revolutionary behavior change software to find and track insights into behaviors that directly impact business outcomes, as well as proven psychological techniques and therapies, Bill produces transformative individual and organizational change. This unique approach provides a new level of accountability and engagement following a training or coaching session, and allows stakeholders to track engagement, provide real-time support, and make decisions based on actual data.

No stranger to diversifying his skills; Bill Small has made his living as a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, Mystiquero, entrepreneur, artist, producer, business and personal coach… all facets that combine into a potent force of spiritual and intellectual power.

Bill's Website

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