Mike O'Krent, MVP Business Podcast

Mike O’Krent is the founder of LifeStories Alive. Between 1996 and 2000 he interviewed Holocaust survivors for Steven Spielberg’s Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation. During that incredible experience, he discovered the process and the importance of recording the life stories of our loved ones. With that process he founded LifeStories Alive in late 2005.

LifeStories Alive specializes in making personal history videos for families and businesses that value their heritage, creating heirlooms in video format – digitally mastered records of life stories with personal accounts, photos and mementos of family history.

Mike was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas and graduated from Southern Methodist University with a BBA in Marketing and Management. He began his professional career as the 4th generation in his family’s retail floor covering business.

Between 1996 and 2000 he interviewed Holocaust survivors for Steven Spielberg’s Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation. During that incredible experience, he discovered the process and the importance of recording the life stories of our loved ones. With that process he founded LifeStories Alive in late 2005.

Mike values family above all else and recently developed an online course that teaches others how to capture LifeStories.
